Community Awards


The 2024 Community Award Recipients

Mike Cosford

The role of churchwarden is vital to the life of the parish church, without which the church could not function.
The duties of the churchwarden are significant, they are charged with ‘encouraging parishioners in the practice of their faith’ and ‘promoting unity and peace amongst them’. They are responsible for the maintenance and upkeep up of the church building and the churchyard; also for the safekeeping of the property of the church.

Mike has also, for a number of years now, acted as the vice-chair of the Parochial Church Council (PCC), the governing body of the parish church, convening and often chairing meetings, to ensure that the lifeblood of church activities is maintained. In the absence of a full-time stipendiary priest since July 2023, that role has become even more important, and Mike has stepped up to the mark to keep things on track. If that were not enough, in the absence of another willing volunteer, Mike has also acted as de facto PCC secretary, a further vitally important role and a legal requirement; one which he has only just relinquished.

Mike has, for many years, made an enormous contribution to the life of not only St Mary’s church, but also the wider village. A quiet achiever, he just gets on with whatever needs to be done, largely unsung until now.

Avril Golding

She has been a volunteer at the library for many years and since retiring has taken a lead role in devising and delivering craft events for children. In addition she designed the scarecrow for the library which was exhibited as part of the Welton St Mary’s School Friends event.
Avril has made a real difference since taking on the craft events and their popularity continues to grow and with it, the use of the library.


The 2023 Community Awards 

A Certificate of Appreciation was presented to Alison Hemsley for her fund raising work for the Friends of St Mary's Primary Academy as Chairman over the past 8 years.

The 2022 Community Awards 

The Community Award was presented jointly to Graham Nicholls and Don Chapman

Certificate of Appreciation was presented to Terry Peachman

Group Recognition Award was awarded to the Welton Larder, Welton Pantomime Group & Welton Village Hall Trust Committee