Agendas and Minutes

The agendas will be posted at least three days prior to the meeting.

All meetings are held in the Pavilion, Manor Park, Hackthorn Road, Welton, LN2 3PA at 7.30pm unless otherwise stated on the agenda.

Meetings of the Heritage & Events, Planning & Development and Governance & Finance Committees are held when there are sufficient agenda items and some meetings may be cancelled if there are insufficient agenda items.

Full Council

Chairman - Cllr Graham Briggs

Amenities and Services

Chairman - Cllr Richard Pikett. Tree Warden - Cllr Mike Powell. Footpaths Co-ordinator - Cllr Mrs Sue Watson. The Committee deals with grass cutting, floral displays, footpaths, trees, litter, dog fouling, the Beck, the Conservation area and many other matters concerning the environment.

Facilities and Recreation

Chairman - Cllr Al Lowen. This Committee is responsible for the upkeep and maintenance of Manor Park, the Ryland Road playing field, play areas, the allotments and Welton Village Library & Community Hub.

Governance and Finance

Chairman - Cllr Richard Fletcher. The Committee’s purpose is to oversee the financial business of the Council and to have due regard for its administrative functions, reporting to Full Council.

Planning and Development

Chairman - Cllr Mike Powell. PLANNING APPLICATIONS Copies of all planning applications are available to view on the West Lindsey District Council website by following this link: Councillors and members of the public are entitled to submit any comments they may wish to make on these applications to West Lindsey District Council Planning Services. Letters notifying of applications received are displayed on the Parish Noticeboard and when time permits they are printed in the Welton News. Copies of applications are no longer available to view in the Parish Office.

Heritage and Events

Chairman - Cllr Mrs Marlene Chapman. This Committee deals with matters relating to the Pinfold, War Memorial, Dr Richard Smith Memorial, Victorian Lamppost, Community Award, Twinning and other publications issued by the Parish Council. It also oversees events such as the Christmas tree lighting and commemorations.

Employment & Personnel

Chairman - Cllr Richard Fletcher. Dealing with all employment and personnel matters.

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